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What's New in Xpand Portal

Member session expiration due to inactivity (US3774)

A new setting was added that allows you to configure after how many minutes of inactivity a portal member will be automatically signed out of the portal.

When a session is coming to an end due to soon due to inactivity, the member will be warned about this, and they will be able to extend their session.

Tracking of data export and document download (US3776)

The tracking functionality was expanded. Now you can also enable member activity tracking for the Export (allows members to export data in the Excel, PDF, or CSV format) and Download files (allows portal members to download document attachments) page actions. If enabled, an act of using such an action will be tracked and shown in the member activity log.

Localized captions configuration and their export/import (US2781)

Previously, to configure captions for multiple localizations, you had to create separate nodes with the same pages per localization. This process has been improved. Now you can configure localized captions for pages, fields, and other page elements within a single localization node. To do this, you need to specify caption, you specify its dictionary code instead, starting with #XPortal.Frontend. This enables additional controls that allow you to either create a new dictionary item with all localization captions that you need for this page element or edit an existing one.

You don’t have to manually search for the corresponding dictionary item; it is opened (and created if necessary) right next to the page element where you need to configure a localized caption.

Moreover, dictionary items can be exported from and imported into the portal. This allows you to view and edit all dictionary items with localized captions and messages in an external application.

Ability to upload and preview images reworked (US3783)

Previously the ability to upload and view images was part of the File Uploader data type. Now, this ability was moved into its own data type.

On extended field sets (field sets that provide additional possibilities for detail page fields), a new field data type was added – Image Uploader. This data type allows the member to upload and view images within a field. Multiple images can be viewed as a slide gallery skipping between images.

The data type setting was revised and now also allows you to specify the maximum number of uploaded images that can be displayed in the field on a single line. 

The File Uploader data type on the other hand doesn’t allow viewing uploaded images anymore.

Optimized process of sending notifications when autosave is enabled (a single notification per record with the latest change during every check) (US3842)

Previously, when the background task that verified whether notifications needed to be sent due to new changed was run, and there were many changes on a record you were subscribed to while the autosave was enabled, you received multiple notifications– one per change. How often the background task is run to make periodic checks is configured in the background task settings.

To avoid notifications spam, now when autosave is enabled and multiple changes are made on a record the user is subscribed to since the last check, only one notification with the latest change per record will be sent during every verification for new changes.

Bug Fixes

Various issues have been fixed throughout Xpand Portal.

A detailed description of these features is available or will be added soon to our help center.

Contact us to request a demo:

Phone: +380 44 251 36 36

Email: info@xpandsoftware.com